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The Master's Table 2018

International First Love Feast

Guest Speakers

Pastor Estelle Taylor

Pastor Estelle Taylor is a Watchman Intercessor, Prophetess, Teacher and Harpist her favorite scripture is Proverbs 8:17 “I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me”. These “early” pursuits of the Lord over the past 30 years have abounded unto a keen sense of His desire, a wonderful sensitivity to His presence, and an amazing devotional life of incredible testimonies and miracles. You don’t want to miss the realities of God expressed and experienced through her life and ministry. Estelle has traveled to Asia twice, to Germany, France and Africa multiple times and all over the U.S. for the Lord’s Glory. She is in the process of publishing two books. She has been married to her husband Apostle Richard for 24 years, and has 3 children, 12 Grandchildren, and multiplied spiritual sons and daughters.

Evangelist Margaret Brown

Evangelist Margaret Brown is an Intercessor, Prophetic Teacher, Deliverance and Healing minister, and a Spiritual mother to many. She is known for her intense tone and fire, laying hold to the horns of the alter and laboring in prayer for breakthrough. As the Founder of The Prayer Clinic in New Castle, Pennsylvania, Margaret hosts weekly prayer meetings and imparts prophetic wisdom to all who attend. Margaret has much to share from her wealth of wisdom and multiplied encounters with God. You will surely find answers and experience tangible touches of His presence as she ministers in the love of Jesus Christ.

Bob and Linda Padgett

Bob and Linda Padgett have been married almost 59 years.  They have 4 children, 3 girls and one boy; 14 grandchildren; one great-granddaughter, and are expecting their second great-grandchild in September.  They have lived in the same house in Northern Virginia (Springfield, a suburb of Washington,D.C.) for 53 years.  The Lord sovereignly apprehended Bob in August, 1967, in an experience much like that of the Apostle Paul.  The ministry that the Lord put Bob into is like that of Jeremiah and Ezra the scribe.  They have a simple website at  They have written and self-published through a commercial book printer 11 Christian books which they give away free. They believe that the Word of God is free.  The titles of the books are:


        (1)        The Love of a Man for His Wife

        (2)        In the Beginning

        (3)        A Sure Foundation

        (4)        Let Us Go On

        (5)        Children, Have You Any Meat?

        (6)        Discerning Things That Differ

        (7)        The Last Joel

        (8)        Marriage Principles for Christians: A Journey of Love

        (9)        Restoration

        (10)      The He Goats Before the Flocks

        (11)      Understanding the Times


            Seven of the books are out of print but they will email the texts to anyone.  They will postal mail books 1, 8, 10, and 11 to any postal mailing address, free. Their email address is


            They were part of a New Testament house church for almost 12 years but that church disintegrated in 1981.  Since then the Lord has introduced them to many African-American believers and ministers from Ghana and Nigeria. 


Bob’s favorite Verse is Colossians 1:27, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  If you are around Linda for 15 minutes, you know that she has a genuine interest in your well-being.  They both are intercessors whose main purpose in life is to glorify the Lord and edify His people.

Rev. Alex McCullough

Bishop Alex served in the Westchester Diocese of the Evangelical Apostolic Church of North America (a.k.a. Syro Chaldean Church of the East) for 34 years (1974-2008). Seminary studies were at Fordham University Department of Theology, Maryknoll Missionary Training Center, General Theological (Episcopal) and St. Vladimirs's Orthodox Seminary.

On July 29, 1971, Alex gave his life to God while driving his car on the Tappan Zee bridge over the Hudson River. He was surprised by experiencing the manifest presence of God the Father and God the Son (Christ Jesus). From that day to this, Alex's life has shone forth the indwelling life and love of Jesus.

In 2010 Bishop Alex became Spiritual Director of the Oratory of the Little Way in Gaylordsville, CT. His prayer counseling there follows a simple pattern: listen, love and pray. Bishop Alex conducts seminar experiences on topics of  contemporary relevance. His Holy Spirit giftedness is in preaching, teaching and healing.

Bishop Alex is director of emeritus of North America for the International Order of St. Luke the Physician. His healing ministry has taken him to four continents. 

For over 60 years, Alex has been a professional musician (sax, clarinet, and flute). He has played in the top name bands, small jazz groups, top vocalists, symphony orchestras, opera stars, chamber ensembles, concert bands,etc. He taught public school band and orchestra for 26 years.

W.C.T.T.P. Women's Excerpt 

Mighty Women of God sharing their overcoming, triumphs and testimonies:

                                                                                        1. Brenda Martin

                                                                   2. Melissa Kobe

                                                                   3. Juanita  Wright

Hosted by W.C.T.T.P

The Master's Table

PO Box 290290
Wethersfield, CT 06109


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176 Griswold Rd, Wethersfield, CT 06109


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